The Silence of the Angels

From the mountains of the Balkans to the dark ghettoes of Aleppo, from the high plains of Ethiopia overlooking Africa to the burning solitude of the Egyptian desert. From monasteries on greek islands, suspended between Heaven and Earth, to the ice-locked churches the far North of Russia, from Cairo to Athens and Moscow, the chants of the Orthodox Christians echo as if in call and response across the continents.

Type (Documentaire / Documentaire fiction / Série documentaire)DocumentaryGenre en anglaisArts & culture CollectionIn the choir of the sacredWritten byJean-François Colosimo, Olivier MilleDirected by Olivier MilleEditingJean-Pierre BlocIn coproduction with Les Productions du SablierIn association with Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Communauté française de Belgique, CNC, DMDTS - Direction de la Musique, de la Danse, du Théâtre et du Spectacle, ProcirepBroadcasted by La Sept ARTE, ERT - Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation / Ellinikí Radiofonía Tileórasi, RTBF - Radio Télévision Belge FrancophoneAwards2000 • Sacem • Paris (France) • Prix Sacem du meilleur documentaire musical de créationYear1998Duration91min

In 90 minutes, The Silence of the Angels will reveal an exceptionally rich musical universe. It will present a panorama unified by a journey which, following the historical path of Orthodox Christianity, will express coherent themes of place, people, feasts and major rites.

For the first time, the great diversity of the earliest form of Christianity will be seen, held together by the sacred chants which may be the most profound incarnation of its essential unity. The splendor of the places visited will be equalled only by the variety of musical styles presented.

From the Coptic chants of Ethiopia, so African-sounding, to the deep polyphonies of the monks of Zagorsk, The Silence of Angels is a voyage that will bring us back to the deep roots of our culture.

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