
We all know about ice cream and its links with Italy. Because gelati conjure up as much a picture of Italy as do pizzas and pasta. But how did ice cream come to be? Where are the best ice creams in the world made today?

Six stories, six adventures, six original, unexpected stories, that are full of surprises, anecdotes and revelations, carried along by lively characters and incredible situations.

Type (Documentaire / Documentaire fiction / Série documentaire)Documentary SeriesGenre Genre en anglaisDiscoveryCollectionGlobal Food Directed by Susan GraySupported by MEDIADistributed by Arte France Distribution Year2006Duration52min

This film explores ice cream from the innermost depths of its mysterious past. The origins of ice cream unfold as the film reconstructs the development of this gastronomic legend, from the royal courts of Europe to the arrival of street sellers all over the world.

Throughout the world, different variations of the recipe have spread among the extremely diverse cultures we met during our survey. In this journey through time, the film shows how the invention, production and distribution of ice cream have been intricately linked to social and economic change for two centuries. Making ice creams is not just a profession it’s also an art, a lifestyle even.

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